White Plains Divorce, Domestic Violence and Family Law Attorney

New York State adheres to the principle of “the best interests of the child”, and domestic violence situations will factor into the court’s decisions surrounding child custody and visitation. The “best interests” principle begins with immediately providing for their physical, mental, and emotional safety.

The court may also consider domestic violence as a factor in determining child support, spousal support, and property division, depending on the individual circumstances of each case.

Allegations of domestic violence and / or child abuse can result in criminal charges against the abuser, which can mean arrest, conviction, fines, jail time and exclusion from the home.

Laws against domestic violence do not apply only to married adult partners, but also to acts against children, unmarried partners, and other family members, and they apply equally to LGBTQ / same-sex partners as they do to heterosexual partners.

The court can issue an Order of Protection, meant to keep the abuser away from you and your family and help keep you safe from further harm.

Domestic violence is clearly a basis for commencing divorce proceedings.

Domestic violence and abuse can take many forms and cuts across all demographic and economic groups. It can be physical, mental, emotional, and even financial in nature.

It is truly epidemic in New York, where studies have shown that nearly one-third of people experience domestic violence of some kind in their lifetimes.

If you are being victimized by a domestic abuser, call 911 immediately. DO NOT WAIT.

I offer my clients 24 years of attorney experience in Divorce and Family Law, including Domestic Violence and Abuse, Child Abuse and Neglect, Orders of Protection and all child-related matters.

In the course of my long legal career, I have worked at the Pace Women’s Justice Center, where I was instrumental in launching Project Deter, a program for victims of Domestic Violence.

I also helped create the Family Court Legal Assistance Program (FCLAP), which provides a service network for Domestic Violence victims and their families in Westchester County.

If you need to divorce due to any type of domestic violence or abuse, or for any other reason, I look forward to helping you very soon.

You can reach my office by calling 914 821 5200, or by filling out and submitting the  Contact Form

Free Initial 15 Minute Phone or Video Consult

Convenient Downtown White Plains Office Location


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